I One
Get a head start in Mathematics for 6-9 year olds through a fun and easy game.
About I One
Dear players,
Welcome! We hope you enjoy playing this game as much as we enjoyed designing it.
This game assists young children in developing a keen sense of thought and proficiency with manipulating simple Mathematics equations. Through a fun and easy-to-understand game, children will learn how to appreciate Mathematics more while enjoying bonding time with the family. As it requires players to think quickly, it familiarises them more with Mathematical concepts like multiplication or division that may be comparatively harder to grasp than their addition/subtraction counterparts as well as the most difficult operation in the game - squaring.
Tailored to the Singapore primary school curriculum of 6-9 year olds, playing this game with your children will help them get a head start in Mathematics and stand out amongst their peers. Having a strong foundation in basic operations such as addition, multiplication, subtraction and division is essential to future success in Mathematics. Say goodbye to thinking hard before answering a Mathematics question!
Wishing you many enjoyable evenings with our game!
Much love,
Loy Xing-Yi, Jane Therese Ng & Arshia Mahajan
Creators of “I One.”